sale consignment listings
Sold August 31, 2024

Group 1 – EL Ranch
75 hd. True F1 first calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifer pairs, with 400 pound plus calves at side by Angus bulls. This is a fancy set of pairs and should be many three-in-one by sale day. They will be bred back to Brangus and Angus bulls. Coming from a repeat consigner, know for quality and fertility. These heifer were palpated on 08/06/2024, (62) are 2-4 month bred. 82% are bred back as first calf heifers. Always a sale favorite. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 2 – EL Ranch
35 hd. True F1 first calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifers, with small calves at side by Angus bulls. This set of heifers were calved out this summer and are set up perfect for a Fall calving program. Heifers have not been exposed back, will be held open for the bulls of your choice. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 3 – TR/EL
11 hd. True F1 first calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifer pairs, with big calves at side by Angus bulls. These F1 heifers were raised on the Gulf Coast and should be three-in-one by sale day. Calves will weigh 400 pounds plus. Palpated on 08/06/2024, (9) are 2-4 months bred. 81% are bred back as first calf heifers. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 4 – Thompson Ranches
125 hd. True F1 Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face open heifers. All heifers were raised in south Texas, very fancy, gentle about a horse, cube broke, no brands and same ear mark. They will be divided into small uniform groups for our sale within the sale. Many county show and county fair prospects in this group. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 5 – Thompson Ranches
18 hd. True F1 Braunbray open heifers, sired by Braunvieh bulls and out of Brahman cows. Heifers will weigh 650-800 pounds and will be divided into small uniform groups. These half blood heifers are known for their fertility and milking ability, but will have the heat tolerance for Texas. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 6 – Thompson Ranches
55 hd. Open Grey Brahman heifers. Fancy as you can find anywhere, gentle and handle well horseback. No brands and many of these heifers are ready for bulls. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 7 – Thompson Ranches
27 hd. Open Brangus and Brangus Baldy heifers, weighing 650-850 pounds. Very fancy and carrying lost of leather underneath. All will be divided into small uniform groups. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 8 – Thompson Ranches
31 hd. True F1 second calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face cows medium-long bred to Red Angus bulls. Fancy set of second calf cows and really hard to find. These cows weigh 1150 pounds plus, very gentle and come to cubes. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 9 – LA Cattle
25 hd. First calf Tiger-Stripe and Red/White face heifers, 4-6 months bred to Angus bulls. Heifers weigh 1000 pounds plus, they handle well with a feed wagon and horse-back. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 10 – G&N
6 hd. True F1 Brangus heifers, 6 months bred to LBW Angus bulls. Very fancy set of half blood heifers, big/growthy, very gentle and will make a great set of cows. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 11 – G&N
8 hd. ¾ blood Brahman heifers bred 4-6 months to black Angus bulls. These are a gulf coast kind of heifers, very gentle and come to cubes. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 12 – G&G Cattle
35 hd. First calf Brahman heifers, medium-long bred to Hereford bulls. These heifers are always a sale favorite. No brands, same ear mark and very gentle. Pictures make it clear you can hand feed these heifers. Coming off a ranch that always brings us good Brahman cattle that are gentle and fertile. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 13 – G&G Cattle
11 hd. First calf Brahman heifer pairs. (7) have calves by Hereford bulls and (4) have calves by Angus bulls. They will be dealt up accordingly. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 14 – G&G Cattle
45 hd. True F1 first calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifers, medium-long bred to LBW Angus bulls. Heifers weigh 1100 pounds plus and are fancy. Gentle heifers like these that you can hand feed are an asset to anyone’s cow herd. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 15 – Sweeney/ Thompson
5 hd. First calf True F1 Brangus heifer pairs, with 450 pound calves at side by Angus bulls. All of these are three-in-one, 2-5 months bred to Angus bulls. These pairs are very gentle come to cubes and handle well horse-back. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 16 – Rock Creek Ranch
51 hd. First calf Brangus Baldy heifer pairs, calves by Black and Red Angus bulls. These heifers are carrying leather underneath and will all fall in the super Baldy class. Heifers were palpated 08/08/2024. (46) of these heifers are bred back 2-4 months to Angus bulls, making them 90% bred back! Calves are 450 pounds plus. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 17 – Rock Creek Ranch
26 hd. True F1 First calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifer pairs. 400 pound plus calves at side by Angus bulls and all bred back for fancy three-in-one packages. Very fancy set of pairs coming from a repeat consigner. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 18 – Rock Creek Ranch
14 hd. True F1 first calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifer pairs, with calves by Angus bulls. These heifers are open and ready for the bulls of your choice. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 19 – Rock Creek Ranch
48 hd. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, with 450 pound calves at side by Black and Red Angus bulls. All three-in-ones, bred back 2-4 months to really stout Angus bulls. These heifers are 28-30 months of age with a large calf and bred back! Fertility is no question in this group and are packing a big coupon at side. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 20 – Rock Creek Ranch
11 hd. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, with small calves at side by Black and Red Angus bulls. Selling open and ready for the bulls of your choice. Very fancy set of Brangus pairs. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 21 – Rock Creek Ranch
42 hd. True F1 Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifers, long bred to Angus bulls. These heifers were palpated 07/21/2024 and will all calf to LBW Angus bulls Sept-November. This set weighs 1100 pounds plus and are calving in a 90 day window. Tremendous quality, very gentle and come to cubes. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 22 - Rock Creek Ranch
6 hd. First calf Brahman heifer pairs, with (3) calves by Hereford and (3) calves by Angus bulls. Pairs will be sorted according to the calves. This is a fancy set of first calf heifer pairs, with no brands. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 23 – Hale Ranch
18 hd. First calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifer pairs. 2-4 months bred back to Angus bulls, all will be three-in-one packages with big calves at side. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 24 – Hale Ranch
24 hd. True F1 first calf Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifer pairs, with small calves at side by Angus bulls. Heifers will be ready for the bulls of your choice. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 25 – Hale Ranch
4 hd. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, with 400 pound calves at side by Angus bulls. Bred back to Angus bulls, all three-in-one. These heifers are very gentle and raised in south Texas. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 26 – Hale Ranch
3 hd. First calf Brangus Baldy heifer pairs, calves by Angus bulls. All bred back to Angus bulls. This is a great set of three-in-one packages. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 27 – Double A Ranch
13 hd. True F1 Brangus first calf heifer pairs, 400 pound calves at side by Angus bulls. All bred back and will be three-in-one packages. These half blood heifer pairs are gentle and coming from a repeat consigner.

Group 28 – Double A Ranch
11 hd. True F1 first calf Brangus heifer pairs, with Angus calves at side. Selling exposed to Angus bulls.

Group 29 – Double A Ranch
17 hd. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, with 400 pound calves at side by Angus bulls. Bred back to Angus bulls 2-4 months, selling as three-in-one.

Group 30 – Double A Ranch
24 hd. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, with calves at side by Angus bulls. Selling as exposed to Angus bulls, some of these pairs could be short bred.

Group 31 – Double A Ranch
6 hd. First calf Brahman heifer pairs, with calves by Hereford bulls. (5) of these F1 calves are Tiger-Stripe heifers. Very fancy, gentle and come to cubes.

Group 32 – Double A Ranch
4 hd. First calf Brangus Baldy heifer pairs, calves by Angus bulls. Full leather.

Group 33 – 2J Livestock
6 hd. Open F1 Golden Certified Tiger-Stripe heifers. 11-12 months of age, weighing 700 pounds plus. Fancy as you can find anywhere. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 34 – 2J Livestock
15 hd. True F1 Tiger-Stripe heifers, selling open and will be divided into small pens. Many county show heifers in this group. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 35 – 2J Livestock
7 hd. Open Brangus heifers, very fancy and gentle. Heifers are carrying lots of leather. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 36 – Rocky G Ranch
25 hd. True F1 Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifers, selling open and ready for bulls. Heifers are coming from a repeat consigner who has had many champion pens.

Group 37 – Rocky G Ranch
10 hd. Open Brangus heifers, weighing 650-850 pounds. They will be divided into uniform groups.

Group 38 – H4 Ranch
20 hd. Golden Certified and Certified F1 second calf cows, medium bred to Angus bulls. Very fancy and coming from a repeat consigner. It’s impossible to find young cows like these. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 39 – H4 Ranch
25 hd. True F1 Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifers, selling open and ready for the bulls of your choice. They will be divided into small uniform groups for our sale within the sale.

Group 40 – H4 Ranch
5 hd. Brangus heifers selling open and ready for bulls. Very fancy and show great quality all the way through.

Group 41 – H4 Ranch
45 hd. True F1 Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifer pairs, with Angus calves at side. These pairs have been exposed back to Angus bulls.

Group 42 – H4 Ranch
40 hd. First calf Brangus heifer pairs, calves at side by Angus bulls. These pairs have been exposed back to Angus bulls and are in great body condition.

Group 43 – Thompson Ranches
6 hd. Second calf F1 Brangus cows, long bred to Black or Red Angus bulls. Very gentle with lots of heat tolerance. Cows like this are really hard to find.

Group 44 – Thompson Ranches
4 hd. True F1 Brahman/Red Angus cross second calf cows, long bred to Red Angus bulls.

Group 45 – DRC Ranch
3 hd. Open Golden Certified F1 Brangus heifers, weighing 800 pounds plus and ready for bulls. Great set of county show heifers. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 46 – Hale Ranch
2 hd. True F1 Braunbray first calf heifer pairs, with calves by Braunvieh bulls. Great set of half blood heifers that can go into any south Texas cow herd as a plus. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 47 – 2J Livestock
75 hd. True F1 Tiger-Stripe and Brown/White face heifers, long bred to Angus bulls. Fancy set of Fall calving heifers, very gentle, raised and bred by reputation ranch. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 48 – 2J Livestock
75 hd. First calf Brangus heifers, long bred to Angus bulls. Big and growthly, very gentle and come to cubes. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 49 – Nash Cattle Company
32 hd. First calf Brangus heifers, 6-8 months bred to LBW Angus bulls. Very gentle about cubes and handle well horseback. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 50 – Nash Cattle Company
12 hd. True F1 Brown/White and sold brindle heifers, 6-8 months bred to Angus bulls. Big and growthly and weigh 1100 pounds plus. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 51 – Nash Cattle Company
15 hd. First calf Brangus Baldy heifers, 6-8 months bred to Angus bulls. These heifers are super fancy and all calving in the Fall. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 52 – Hartman
5 hd. ¾ blood Brahman first calf heifers, long bred to LBW Angus bulls.

Group 53 – Harborth Ranch
12 hd. First calf long bred Brangus heifers and pairs, many calves by sale day. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

Group 54 – Harborth Ranch
4 hd. Brangus bulls coming from a Brangus breeder. VIEW SALE PHOTOS.

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